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ALI: Management Track: Ch. 3 - Creating a Leadership Style of Innovations

Advanced Leadership Institute-Management Track: Chapter Three- Creating a Leadership Style of Innovations

This course will help the learner define what an innovative team is and be able to learn how to develop a culture of psychological safety to maximize team performance. The learner will learn how to define and utilize multiple approaches to organization and department change management.

If you are interested in more than one Management Track chapter, please consider the full Advance Leadership Institute – Management Track course.

Successful completion of this course requires a score of 80% on the post-test.

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Approved for 1.50 CRCE Hours.


Define and utilize multiple approaches to organization and departmental change management.
Define and development of an innovative team
Discuss and develop a culture of psychological safety to maximize team performance.
Recognize multiple approaches to design thinking by detecting progress and identifying opportunities for improvement.


Creating a Leadership Style of Innovations

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